This blog is mostly for me and my friends. I record dishes I think are share-worthy. Big nod to Chef John for his inspiration.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Asparagus and Scallion Fritatta

Just made this and loved it. Might add some pimento's or chopped roasted red peppers for some color. No need to peel the bottoms if you are using pencil thin asparagus,

1 lb asparagus bottoms cut, lower portion peeled, tops cut, the stalk cut into 1 to 3/4-inch pieces
1 bunch scallions white parts trimmed away and cut into 1/4 to 1/2-inch pieces
3 tbsp butter
2 pinches crushed red pepper
6 eggs
1/2 cup Parmigiano-Reggiano
fresh herb leaves for garnish: chives, parsley, (tarragon?)
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 400°F
In a medium (10") skillet, get some water boiling, add some salt. Prep asparagus while this is coming to a boil.
Add the asparagus and cook for about 2 minutes or until just getting tender. Drain and maybe rinse in cool water.
Clean skillet and melt butter over medium-low heat. Add scallions once melted and cook for about 4 or 5 minutes. Whisk eggs with a tbsp of water and a pinch of salt.
Add the asparagus in a single later and pinches of crushed red pepper.
Pour whisked eggs over asparagus and scallions. Give the skillet the ol' tapa-tapa to ensure eggs are distributed.
Grate the cheese onto the top of the egg mixture in the skillet and cook over heat for about 5 minutes or until edges are set.
Move skillet to the oven and bake for about 7 to 10 minutes until top is set.
Remove skillet from the oven, loosen fritatta from pan and slide onto a cutting board. If you like you can take another cutting board, lay it on top, and invert the fritatta. Looks nicer.
Garnish away.

Smoked Spare Ribs

These are the best I've made so far. This is what I want from my spare ribs: Moist, not falling apart, well seasoned.

I used Costco ribs for this batch. Three racks like this will just fit into my smoker.  Put up a local BBQ joint's prices for comparison. These cook for 6 hrs (3+2+1) total with about 1-2 hour lead time for rub.


Rub for about 10 lbs ribs
2 tbsp ground black
4 tbsp Paprika, sweet Hungarian paprika
2 tbsp garlic powder
2 tsp kosher salt
2 tsp onion powder
2 tsp celery salt
1 tsp cayenne

Apple cider vinegar for foil (Texas crutch)


  1. Trim ribs by removing the membrane on rib side and trim any big sections of fat from the front. 
  2. Lay rack on large piece of plastic wrap and season both sides. You'll use up the rib so 1/3 per rack.
  3. Wrap of the rack in the plastic wrap, set on a sheet pan. Repeat with other two racks and put them all in the fridge for about an hour or so. 
  4. I use an electric smoker so I'm ready to go. You may need to start your fire so do that and get temp to about 225° F. 
  5. Place ribs in smoker and smoke for 3 hours. 
  6. Set up enough foil to wrap each rack (I have to cut mine in 1/2 for 6 sections for me)
  7. Remove each rack from smoker, place in foil with some apple cider vinegar, seal the foil and return to smoker. I rotate high/low when returning to smoker. You can double-wrap if you like. 
  8. After 2 hours, remove foil-wrapped ribs from smoker, unwrap and return to smoker. 
  9. Cook for 1 more hour . You can mop at this point if you like, but I prefer a non-sticky rib with rub only. Remove racks from smoker and let rest for a while, then cut and serve. 

Friday, April 24, 2020

My Margarita

I like this ratio with these ingredients. I usually drink mine on-the-rocks with a salted rim. I change out my tequila and triple sec brands from time to time. Makes a difference. These are what I 'm using now.
Musical Accompaniment: In These Shoes by Kristi MacColl

Friday, April 17, 2020

My Papa Doble Cocktail

This is a great cocktail -- very well balanced all around.  I'll spare you all the Hemingway trivia cluttering up other recipes out there. The original recipe I found called for gold rum, but having none on hand I substituted a mix of dark and light rums. I am pleased with the results. Make one of these on Papa's birthday, July 21. Mark you calendar.
Warning: This makes a very large single drink. Consider sharing it with a friend.
Musical Accompaniment: Chan Chan by Buena Vista Social Club